Gain the freedom to move more & move better with less pain
Whether it’s an athletic injury, car accident, physical assault, stroke, fall, illness or a myriad of other events, our bodies are susceptible to trauma throughout our lives. When trauma occurs, we experience pain and reduced or lost function of the affected areas.
While medical intervention and treatment is often necessary to repair the injured areas, the key to full recovery and regaining full function requires a shift from focusing our rehabilitation efforts solely on the compromised areas to helping the brain learn to reorganize its "new" body.
Movement patterns that served us well before the incident may be lost or impaired due to the injury, and new patterns need to be created.
Fortunately, that's where the brain excels. It has a remarkable ability to rewire itself, creating new connections, strengthening old connections, and coming up with new solutions... Solutions that were once thought impossible.
Learn more about the healing capacity of the brain.
When a limb is lost the brain needs to reorganize the body's movements around the new structure and configuration of body parts. Due to its neuroplasticity, the brain has a remarkable capacity to figure out ways to reduce pain and improve control of the injured body by creating new neural connections, recruiting strong neighboring neurons, and reorganizing itself to put order into the disorder caused by the trauma.
The destruction and loss of neural connections caused by brain trauma results in a loss of function throughout the body. Instead of focusing rehabilitation efforts on skills you can no longer do in an effort to “fix” what’s wrong, a brain-centered movement approach helps the brain literally rewire itself, building new connections in the brain to improve its capacity to reorganize and regain movement and function.
The musculoskeletal system is responsible for supporting the body against gravity and helping it move. It includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. When trauma occurs due to accidents, sports injuries, spine diseases, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, congenital disorders, etc. there is a disruption of connections in the nervous system, which leads to pain and loss of movement and function. NeuroMovement® creates the conditions the brain needs to heal itself, and thereby eliminate or reduce pain and restore lost function.